An important part of gaining knowledge is sharing what you already know. Over the course of my first semester of advanced ceramics my skills as a ceramisist have grown. Both my abilities as a ceramacist and as a teacher have develeloped greatly this semester. I have used my growing personal skills to help my peers. Throughout this semester, I  have chosen to further my knowledge and refine my teaching abilities by sharing what i know with others. 
    This semester I made several types of projects including bowls, cups, vases and other types of wheel projects. I worked really hard to not only increase the size of my projects, but to also improve the quality. I  implemented better teqhniques in the construction of my projects to assure better sucess in the shape and structure. After this semester I learned how to teach ceramics, and with being able to help others i could find new ways to help myself.
    I spent a lot of time on the wheel mostly becuase i have 4th and 5th period ceramics. With this extra time spent throwing, I got a good chance to practice new skills and concrete the ones I already have. I tuaght the class how to make a vase. I focused a lot on making sure they knew how to pull up more effectively using the sponge and a slow, steady hand. I also showed a couple different ways to round the project to make the shoulder and belly that vases have. I introduced them to choking and shaping with the blue rib tool. After showing those examples I also had to show how to choke the neck and make a lip. Using my sponge to compress the lip so it wasnt too thin.
    I wanted to open my mind to new techniques and ideas, becuase I'm aware that I dont know everything. Seeing peoples ideas and ways to do things, made me wonder what I could do to better my projects. Witnessing all these wonderful projects be made, gave me the push to better mine as well. I enjoyed teaching people becuase it feels good to know that someone is succesful becuase of your help. Helping others wasnt only good for the ones i was helping, It effected me too, in a very good way. I figured that if i showed others how to do what i know how, i would be able to magnify my flaws and critique my skills.
    This semester in ceramics has been a great learning experiance and is only one of two more to come. Looking back at what i have accopmlished this year has made me very excited to see what I may be able to accopmlish with more time to come. I hope to continue instruction to not only other students, but to myself as well. The best way to learn from yourself is to help others. 

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    May 2012

